Quick Resources
Acid Copper Chromate (ACC) Residential Uses Won’t be Registered - EPA is taking legal action to deny all applications for registration of acid copper chromate, known as ACC, as a wood preservative pesticide intended for residential use.
Active Ingredients, New - These fact sheets are for new active ingredients registered by the Office of Pesticide Programs under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act for Fiscal Years 1997 to the present.
Anthrax - Fact sheets on pesticides used in federal decontamination responses to the anthrax spore bioterrorism attacks of October 2001
- Bleach
- Chlorine Dioxide
- Ethylene Oxide
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid
- Methyl Bromide
- Paraformaldehyde
- Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide
Antimicrobial Pesticide Products - Antimicrobials are used to destroy organisms such as bacteria or fungi on inanimate objects. Antimicrobials can be found in products such as disinfectants and antiseptics. This page provides a description of the usage and types of Antimicrobial products. It also discusses EPA's regulation of antimicrobials.
Applicability of the "Treated Articles Exemption" to Antimicrobial Pesticides - Pesticide Registration Notice 2000-1 concerns EPA's policy with respect to the applicability of the "treated articles exemption." The Notice discusses EPA's past and present on how treated articles and substances qualify for the exemption. It also discusses the distinction between public health and non-public health antimicrobial claims. This Questions & Answers document addresses what may be among the most commonly asked questions on this subject.
Assessing Health Risks from Pesticides - EPA scientists and analysts carefully review test data to determine whether to register (license) a pesticide product or a use and whether specific restrictions are necessary. This fact sheet is a brief overview of EPAÂ’s process for assessing potential risks to human health when evaluating pesticide products.
Assessing Health Risks from Pesticides - EPA scientists and analysts carefully review test data to determine whether to register (license) a pesticide product or a use and whether specific restrictions are necessary. This fact sheet is a brief overview of EPAÂ’s process for assessing potential risks to human health when evaluating pesticide products.
Atrazine Interim Regulatory Decision Q&A's - EPA has completed its interim reregistration eligibility decision for the pesticide atrazine. This Q&A document describes the basis for the decision on atrazine and how it will be implemented.
Antimicrobial Products to Disinfect Poultry and Other Facilities Against Avian (Bird) Flu - This Web page provides information about disinfectants that are available to help prevent the spread of avian (bird) flu in the United States.
Azinphos-Methyl Risk Management Decision - EPA has accepted voluntary measures to reduce risks posed by azinphos-methyl to children, to agricultural workers, and to the environment.
Bed Bugs - Top Ten Tips (PDF) - Complaints about bed bugs are increasing but their control seems more challenging. This document offers some important steps in preventing, identifying and treating bed bug infestations. (3 pp, 60k, about PDF)
Biopesticide Fact Sheets - Biopesticides are derived from natural sources, such as plants and animals. These fact sheets are ordered alphabetically by active ingredient.
Chlorfenapyr Review - After completing its review of the pesticide chlorfenapyr (Pirate) for use on cotton, EPA made the determination that chlorfenapyr did not meet the requirements for registration, and in response, American Cyanamid withdrew their Section 3 registration application. This Web site includes the human health and environmental risk assessments and the denial of registration decision memorandum.
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) and Its Use as a Wood Preservative - CCA, also known as Wolmanized wood, is used on decks, fences and playground equipment to prevent wood decay. This Web site provides the current regulatory status, as well as technical and general information regarding the handling, use, and potential hazards associated with CCA-treated wood.
- Evaluating the Wood Preservative Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) - Describes EPA's comprehensive reassessment of the science and uses of CCA, along with some key issues under consideration.
- Consumer Safety Information Sheet: Inorganic Arsenical Pressure-Treated Wood - Provides information on the safer use and handling of CCA-treated wood.
Citizens Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety (PDF) - This publication teaches consumers how to control pests in and around the home, alternatives to chemical pesticides, how to choose pesticides, and how to use, store, and dispose of them safely. It also discusses how to reduce exposure when others use pesticides, how to prevent pesticide poisoning and how to handle an emergency, how to choose a pest control company, and what to do if someone is poisoned by a pesticide. (54 pp, 2.4 MB, about PDF)
Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI) - CLI is a voluntary, cooperative effort designed to present clear, consistent, and useful environmental, safe use, and health information on household consumer product labels. Government and industry groups are working together to make it easier for consumers to find, read, and understand label information, thus enabling consumers to compare products and safely use the ones they select.
Consumer Products Treated with Pesticides - Many products, ranging from toothbrushes to children's toys, are treated with antimicrobial pesticides to get rid of bacteria. Before making public health pesticidal claims, such products must be approved and registered by EPA, or must be exempt from registration. There are products that have not been authorized to make health claims, which can mislead the consumer into thinking that the product is antibacterial.
Copper-Containing Alloy Products - On February 29, 2008, EPA registered five copper-containing alloy products. This Web page explains the conditions of the registration and provides information on the pesticidal claims.
Counterfeit Pesticide Products for Dogs and Cats - EPA has ordered pesticide distributors and retailers in a number of states to stop selling counterfeit pet pesticide products which falsely contain EPA Registration numbers and labeling for the "Advantage" and "Frontline" lines of pesticides. This fact sheet includes detailed information, including photos of legitimate products.
Creosote and its Use as a Wood Preservative - Creosote is a wood preservative used for commercial purposes only; it has no registered residential uses. Creosote is obtained from high temperature distillation of coal tar. It is used as a fungicide, insecticide, miticide, and sporicide to protect wood, primarily utility poles and railroad ties. EPA is currently reassessing creosote as part of its ongoing reregistration program.
DDT – A Brief History and Status – This page summarizes EPA's activities regarding the pesticide DDT.
DDT – A Brief History and Status – This page summarizes EPA's activities regarding the pesticide DDT.
Diazinon - Phase Out of all Residential Uses of the Insecticide as of December 31, 2004.
EPA and FDA Streamline Food Packaging Regulation - Because of the practice of using pesticides within food packaging, the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) responsibility of regulating food packaging would have overlapped with EPA's responsibility to regulate all pesticide products. However, a provision of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), as well as action that EPA has taken, eliminates the overlap between the two agencies.
EPA and Food Security - This page discusses EPA's primary contributions to food safety and responsibility within the United States and also contributions throughout the world. Some ways in which EPA ensures food security are through regulating the use of pesticides and setting pesticide residue tolerances.
EPA Policy for Managing Risk to Workers from Organophosphate Pesticides (OPs) - Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice (2000-9) announced EPA's approach for managing risks to workers who may be exposed to organophosphate (OP) pesticides.
Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment (PDF): Caring for Your Lawn in an Environmentally Friendly Way - This small EPA brochure gives tips on working with nature to grow a lawn that is healthy while minimizing the use of pesticides. It also gives tips on the safe use of pesticides, when necessary, on choosing a lawn care service, and where to find more information on this subject. (19 pp, 5.4 MB, in about PDF)
Insect Repellent DEET - DEET is an ingredient used in many insect repellents. This page discusses EPA's actions concerning DEET, as well as tips on how to use DEET products safely.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles - IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This fact sheet discusses the use of IPM in an agricultural setting.
Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) Time-Limited Registration - The Agency has approved for one year the registration of the soil fumigant iodomethane (methyl iodide) under highly restrictive provisions governing its use.
Ion Generating Equipment Clarification - EPA issued a Federal notice which clarifies the Agency's position on the classification of machines that generate ions of silver (such as silver ion generating washing machines) or other substances for express pesticidal purposes.
Joint Statement on Mosquito Control in the United States from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - The EPA and the CDC are working closely with each other and with other federal, state, and local agencies to protect the public from mosquito-borne diseases such as the West Nile virus.
Laws Affecting EPA's Pesticide Programs - EPA gains the authority to regulate the sale and usage of pesticides from two main laws: the Federal Insecticide, Rodenticide, and Fungicide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). These two laws, as well as other statutes that affect the Agency's pesticide programs, are described.
Methyl Parathion and EPA's Actions - There have been incidents involving use of the highly toxic pesticide methyl parathion to get rid of insects in homes. Because of this illegal and hazardous use, EPA has taken steps to make methyl parathion more difficult obtain.
Methyl Parathion Risk Management Decision - EPA has accepted voluntary cancellation of methyl parathion's use on the crops, such as apples, which are eaten most by children. Because methyl parathion poses unacceptable risks to children, this step will help to reduce the pesticide risks to children through food.
Mosquito Control - Links to documents providing some basic information on mosquito control, safety precautions, and insecticides used for mosquito control programs.
- Larvicides for Mosquito Control - Includes information on methoprene, temephos, monomolecular films, oils and microbial larvicides.
- Methods of Mosquito Control - What you can do to help control mosquitos around your home.
- Malathion for Mosquito Control - Malathion is applied as an ultra-low volume (ULV) spray to kill adult mosquitos
- Naled for Mosquito Control - Naled is applied as an ultra-low volume (ULV) spray to kill adult mosquitos.
- Synthetic Pyrethroids For Mosquito Control - Synthetic pyrethroids are applied as an ultra-low volume spray to kill adult mosquitos.
NAFTA Guidance on Data Requirements for Pesticide Import Tolerances - Questions and answers on proposed detailed guidance on data requirements that meet NAFTA standards for establishing pesticide import tolerances in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. consistent with the goals of NAFTA.
National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) - NPIC is a toll-free telephone service that provides a variety of impartial information about pesticides to anyone in the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
New Data Will Help Ensure Protection of Children - In an effort to further increase protections for infants and children, EPA is requiring registrants of pesticides thought to have neurotoxic effects to conduct acute, subchronic, and developmental neurotoxicity studies and submit the results to EPA.
Outdoor residential misting systems (including mosquito misting systems) - This web page will help consumers decide if residential pesticide misting systems are appropriate for their home and understand safety precautions about using them.
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) - Currently, EPA is reassessing pentachlorophenol (PCP) as part of its ongoing reregistration program for older pesticides. Federal law directs EPA to periodically re-evaluate older pesticides to ensure that they continue to meet current safety standards.
Pest Control Devices - This page compares pesticide products and devices and describes some key statutory and regulatory requirements relating to devices.
Pesticide Product Recalls - EPA continually works to reduce the risks to human heath and the environment by requiring pesticide registrants to report any potential problems with EPA registered pesticide products. EPA works with registrants to recall products whenever products are deemed faulty or substandard or could potentially cause injury to consumers or harm to the environment. Registrants often voluntarily recall products and reformulate or repair potential hazards.
Pesticide Registration Program - A fact sheet about EPA's pesticide registration program.
Pesticide Reregistration Facts - A fact sheet about EPA's pesticide reregistration program.
Pesticide Safety Tips - This page provides a list of important tips for the safe handling of household pesticide products.
Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells (PDF) - This booklet is intended for people who drink well water, and who are concerned that pesticides might be present in that water. (4 pp, 23.6 KB, about PDF) 
Preventing Pedicure Foot Spa Infections - Information available to the pedicure foot spa customer, owner, operator, and worker regarding health and safety precautions, to include proper maintenance, disinfecting and cleaning procedures of the equipment.
Protecting Children from Pesticides - This fact sheet describes the vulnerability of children to pesticides and some of the actions EPA has taken to protect children.
Protecting the Public from Pesticide Residues in Food - This page discusses EPA's process for protecting the public from health risks caused by eating foods that have been treated with pesticides.
Read the Label First is an interactive guide that explains the statements found on a pesticide product label. The explanations of these statements should provide consumers with a better understanding of the label contents.
Read the Label First: Protect Your Pets - Always read the label first before you buy, store, and use household cleaners or pesticide products around or near your pets.
Read the Label First: Protect Your Pets - Always read the label first before you buy, store, and use household cleaners or pesticide products around or near your pets.
Reregistration Fact Sheets - Fact sheets on chemicals undergoing reevaluation against modern scientific and regulatory standard
Retailers and Counterfeit Pet Products (PDF) (4 pp, 360.8 KB, about PDF) - EPA has ordered pesticide distributors and retailers in a number of states to stop selling counterfeit pet pesticide products which falsely contain EPA Registration numbers and labeling for the "Advantage" and "Frontline" lines of pesticides. This fact sheet includes detailed information for retailers, including photos of legitimate products.
Safety Precautions for Total Release Foggers - Total release foggers, also known as "bug bombs," are pesticide products containing aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area. These products are often used around the home to kill cockroaches, fleas, and other pests.
Setting Tolerances for Pesticide Residues in Foods - To ensure the safety of the food supply, EPA regulates the amount of each pesticide that may remain in and on foods. This fact sheet briefly describes how EPA sets limits, called tolerances, for pesticide residues in food.
Spray Drift of Pesticides - The drift of spray from pesticide applications can expose people, wildlife and the environment to pesticide residues that can cause health and environmental effects and property damage. This fact sheet provides EPA's position on spray drift issues and a summary of responsibilities and activities of EPA and others.
Taking Care of your Pet During Flea and Tick Season - Taking care of your pets responsibly includes protecting them from fleas and ticks. Before purchasing and applying pesticide products to pets to control fleas and ticks, there is important information you should know.
Ten Tips to Protect Children from Pesticide and Lead Poisonings (Also available in Spanish) - This publication provides resources and safety tips to prevent pesticide and lead poisoning.
Termiticide Data and Labeling Requirements - New standards for the registration and use of termite control products applied to soil were issued on October 1, 1996.
Treated Clothing - EPA requires pesticide registration for clothing treated with insect repellents. This fact sheet describes the regulation and safety of these products.
Using Insect Repellents Safely - This resource suggests ways of choosing insect repellents, safely applying the repellent, reading the label for pesticide safety information, and avoiding ticks and Lyme disease.
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